Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Been a while since I've checked in. Truth is, I've been struggling to maintain this forward movement towards my goal of 250. I've spent most of my time eating great for five days, not so great for a day, then screwing up on day seven, only to have to start over again.

At this point, it seems clear to me that I'll need to do something drastic if I'm going to get anywhere close to 250 by the end of May.

What that means, I'm not sure. Gym membership? Boxing lessons? Buying kettlebells, and making myself use them daily? I really don't know.

What I DO know is that I'm almost back under 290 again, which is a big landmark for me in this battle. Every 10 pounds is a win. I was 290.2 this morning, and I'm going to do everything in my power to get under tomorrow.

I did find that, using a pedometer on my phone, that I walk an average of 3.5 miles a day while stalking bad guys at work. So, while I'm not out running marathons, or building up my bench, I'm burning a good 500-700 calories a day just doing my job.

So, onward I go. Still fighting. 

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